We all have this negative self talk that goes in our head. Guess what? There are enough people that are telling us we can’t do it, that we’re not good enough. Why do we want to tell ourselves that? The human mind is always looking for what’s wrong. The human brain is not designed to make you happy. It’s designed to make you survive. Happiness is  your job and you only get it by putting your own efforts.

monday mantra

Don’t compare your situation to anybody else. You have everything you need to be here. You may not be in the home you want to be living in, you may not have the exact jobs you would like, Maybe you are single and you really want to get married. If you are not careful, you can allow those things to frustrate you until they change. This is very important. If you don’t learn to be happy where you are, you will never get to where you want to be.

You discover your happiness when you are able to see that in every circumstances there is possibility. There is potential. Just look back on your life, when did you grow the most? When you had a challenge or when you did not have the challenge?

Maybe make a different decision. The decision is that no matter what happens in your life, you are going to live in a beautiful state. A beautiful state and that could be happy, that could be grateful, that could be generous. Those are all beautiful states, Aren’t they?  It could be curious, it could be fine, it could be playful. You are not limited to one state. But it’s different than suffering. Make a decision now that says I am living in a beautiful state and I’m going to find beauty in whatever life brings me. Because life is too short.

We are making decisions every day and those decisions are forming actions, those actions are forming a habit. Those habits are forming a character and that character is forming a destiny.

Life is going to hit you with a certain level of opposition, life is going to hit you with a certain level of adversity. You see the reason people quit, they don’t take pride in what they do. The harder you work the harder it is to surrender. Everybody wants to be a champion, but nobody is willing to put in the work, the effort that it takes to be a champion. Everybody wants to hold up the trophy and say “Man I did it”. But nobody is wanting to put in the work that it takes.

Self growth

You should understand that you have an opportunity every single day, every single moment; to grow, to become better, to show your strength, to overcome every single day. Stop making excuses, stop complaining, nobody is listening. They may think they are listening, but what you need to do is make one person happy: YOU. Then you can make everybody else happy.

You can’t cry about how it is. That’s just never ever the right move. Because if you are still walking, if you are still breathing. There is always the potential to do A little bit better, to grow a little bit more.