Marble cake: a classic dessert that is so loved. Moist vanilla & chocolate cake, so soft, it melts in your mouth! A simple but beautiful cake. It’s almost a comfort food for me – warm, spongy marble cake fresh out of the oven, Ah, bliss. While a chocolate cake was always on top of my favourite cakes list, marble cake is also very close. My family drools over my cakes and this is one of their favorites too.
So let’s just dig into the Recipe….
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
1 cup Sugar
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp of Vanilla Essence/Extract
Some flour for dusting the pan
1/2 Cup Oil
1/4 Cup of Cocoa Powder + 1 Tsp of instant coffee
3 Eggs
1-2 Tbsp Milk (If required)
- Preheat oven to 180C/ 350F
- Grease a cake tin of choice. I used my 8″ bundt pan.
- Sift the Flour and baking powder together.
- In the standing mixture beat eggs till soft and fluffy.
- Add Sugar and beat for another minute.
- Now add Oil and Vanilla extract.
- Once everything is mixed, take out the bowl from the stand mixer.
- Mix the flour with the wet ingredients, and mix well with a spatula, without being harsh to the batter. Try to fold it gently.
- Once the batter is all smooth, divide it into two portions.
- Take the mixture of Cocoa powder & Instant coffee and add some warm water to it. Mix it to make a smooth paste.
- Add this cocoa powder paste to one of the portions of cake batter. Mix it properly.
- Now take your greased tin and randomly add both the batters in it. Few spoons of vanilla batter and then few spoons of chocolate batter.
- Once done swirl the batter with the knife, fork etc to make a pattern as shown in the video.
- Bake this at 180° C for 35-40 minutes.
- Once the cake is done, keep it on the wire rack for cooling.
- De-mould the cake after 7-8 minutes, and serve warm with tea or coffee.