Today I came across a saying by Charles Dickens, “Reflect on your present blessings on which every man has many not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. “ This made me think how thankfulness is the purest of all human emotions. It makes us happier. The more you are thankful for what you own, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.
In a world where we are pre-designed to compete for more and crave for what we don’t have, we forget to admire what we already have. Sometimes in our lives when we are facing a difficult situation, we start complaining. We focus more on our problems and totally forget about the millions of different blessings. We forget that there is someone who is praying for the benedictions you and I take for granted. So we should incite ourselves right now to stop grumbling about our problems and to start counting our blessings. If you can see, hear, talk, walk, have shelter and have access to clean water and food, you are far better than the billions of people. We are ALIVE; this in itself is a blessing.
There are many people I knew, who make themselves happier through the practice of gratitude. People who are thankful:
- Show high level of optimism
- Experience less of depression and stress.
- Have more compassion
- Are more generous and spiritual.
- They emphasis less on pragmatism and are more likely to advance towards personal objectives or goals.
- Feel more in the pink by exercising positivism.
Brood over your enormous blessings and and enhance your blessings with gratitude. Life is treasured, count your blessings and subsume with all the love you have within. Enjoy the tiny things which are everywhere around you. Just discover them.
As far as I am concerned, I do not have everything my heart craves, but I have more than most people desire for and I think the almighty has bestowed upon me, more than I deserve. This feeling of gratefulness to God makes my heart delighted.
Consider the activity called ‘Three Blessings’. This peculiarly simple approach has been said to have a commencing and a positive effect on reducing depression and anxiety. This simple task just need you to think and write down, about the three things that you are most content about and why you think they happened. So start a trip of thankfulness today, and see life through the lens of gratitude. Do this for 30 days and let me know how it goes.
Quit the ‘I’ll be happy When’s’
Be HAPPY Now! It’s a CHOICE.